An easy way to make a backup exchange 2007 or 2003 is to stop services:

<p>There are various systems to stop the services and copy the Exchange database, this method of copying is widely used, since natively Exchange 2010 and 2007 support only copies of the units through snapshots or need third-party applications.</p>
<p>The first would be a file. Bat for Exchange 2003 in this case the databases are in<strong> X:\dades exchange </strong>and copied to the location:&nbsp;<strong>x:\copia exchange\ExchangeOfflineBackup</strong>, you can adapt it to your convenience:</p>

net stop MSExchangeES
net stop IMAP4Svc
net stop POP3Svc
net stop RESvc
net stop MSExchangeIMC
net stop MSExchangeSRS
net stop MSExchangeMGMT
net stop MSExchangeMTA
net stop MSExchangeIS /Y
net stop MSExchangeSA /Y
xcopy "X:\dades exchange\*" "x:\copia exchange\ExchangeOfflineBackup" /E /D /V /C /I /F /H /R /K /O /Y
net start MSExchangeSA /Y
net start MSExchangeIS /Y
net start MSExchangeMTA
net start MSExchangeMGMT
net start MSExchangeSRS
net start MSExchangeIMC
net start RESvc
net start POP3Svc
net start IMAP4Svc
net start MSExchangeES

<p>this one. bat, it would be for Exchange 2007 2010 is that I think works best, in this case the databases are in<strong> X:\dades exchange </strong>and copied to the location:&nbsp;<strong>x:\copia exchange\ExchangeOfflineBackup</strong>,you can adapt it to your convenience:</p>

Echo 'Stopping Microsoft Exchange Services'
net stop MSExchangeAB /Y
net stop MSExchangeADTopology /Y
net stop MSExchangeAntispamUpdate
net stop MSExchangeEdgeSync
net stop MSExchangeFBA
net stop MSExchangeFDS
net stop MSExchangeIS
net stop MSExchangeMailboxAssistants
net stop MSExchangeMailboxReplication
net stop MSExchangeMailSubmission
net stop MSExchangeProtectedServiceHost
net stop MSExchangeRepl
net stop MSExchangeRPC
net stop MSExchangeSA
net stop MSExchangeSearch
net stop MSExchangeServiceHost
net stop MSExchangeThrottling
net stop MSExchangeTransport
net stop MSExchangeTransportLogSearch
xcopy "X:\dades exchange\*" "x:\copia exchange\ExchangeOfflineBackup" /E /D /V /C /I /F /H /R /K /O /Y
<div>Echo 'Starting Microsoft Exchange Services'</div>
net start MSExchangeAB
net start MSExchangeADTopology
net start MSExchangeAntispamUpdate
net start MSExchangeEdgeSync
net start MSExchangeFBA
net start MSExchangeFDS
net start MSExchangeIS
net start MSExchangeMailboxAssistants
net start MSExchangeMailboxReplication
net start MSExchangeMailSubmission
net start MSExchangeProtectedServiceHost
net start MSExchangeRepl
net start MSExchangeRPC
net start MSExchangeSA
net start MSExchangeSearch
net start MSExchangeServiceHost
net start MSExchangeThrottling
net start MSExchangeTransport
net start MSExchangeTransportLogSearch