Category Archives: Experiments

Sudoku resolver (my own algorithm)

This is my own algorithm to resolve a Sudoku 9 x 9 cells, this is the logic of the resolution:

first I have a fixed cells with some values , for example this;


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A Custom Webpage to view your CryptoBalance (Binance)

Lately I have invested in cryptocurrencies, I leave you a page created by me to see the evolution of my profits, in this case I have invested €149 in FYI and €20 in BNB.
you can run it without uploading it to any web server. it connects to Binance and gets the current price every 10 seconds.
in the code you can easily see these amounts and customize it with your investments (purchase price and quantity)
In my case I have it published on my web space

the page call a api to Binance like:


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Barcode Generator EAN128, EAN13, QR, DataMatrix ( dll / exe versions)

This is my new barcode generator ( image based ) to create EAN128, EAN13, QR, DataMatrix Barcodes.

You can use it with 2 versions, commnad line version (standalone executable )  or a  dll to use with your .NET projects ,

You can Download it from this link:

here are these videos showing both the operation of the dll and the executable utility:



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ESP32 Asynchronous TCP/IP client and multi core task implementation with freeRTOS parallel task and queues intercommunication

This post is to comment the code of the project explained on:

you can donwload the code from my web page at the link: 


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HTML5 local storage

I have developed a simple HTML5 application that uses the HTML5 local storage is a list of “buy”, and can work offline, once loaded in the browser of an android phone or iPhone, you can work without internet connection:

Go to my example


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