Tag Archives: puzzle

Slide Puzzle Plugin for WordPress

Hi guys!!

This is my first plugin for WordPress: slide-puzzle It’s really simple to use, only install it, and enable, I have developed to learn about wordpress plugins architecture.

It uses one shortcode generate slide puzzle from any image that you want, as follows:

 [slide-puzzle pieces=X  myimage=’{url}‘ message=’{message}]

Where X are the number of pieces ( be careful 🙂 ), {url} is the image url that can be absolute or relative of  your site, and you can specify one {message} when users completes the slide puzzle.

For example:

 [slide-puzzle pieces=4  myimage=’http://puzle.colome.org/img001.jpg’ message=’It was easy! congratulations’]

 [slide-puzzle pieces=10  myimage=’http://puzle.colome.org/img001.jpg’ message=’You are an ace!’]

It not uses Flash!!  it works on an IPAD or an IPHONE too!!!

 New in version 1.1.0 

[slide-puzzle pieces=X  myimage=’{image_url}‘ message=’{message}‘ backcolor=’{color}‘ endimage=’{final_image_url}‘]

Added two new variables

  • color: in format ‘#rrggbb’ of the background puzzle
  • endimage : url of another image, if you want to show another image when completes the puzzle


[slide-puzzle pieces=4  myimage=’http://wp.colome.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/IMAGE0027-e1370813449218.jpg’ message=’It was easy! congratulations’ backcolor=’#ff0000′ endimage=’http://wp.colome.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/1.jpg’]
You can use without new variables and message too:
[slide-puzzle pieces=4  myimage=’http://wp.colome.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/IMAGE0027-e1370813449218.jpg’ message=” ]

see this Video about new features

Is based on a canvas element ( only for modern browsers: check), you can customize the default options on plugins management of wordpress


If you want to see a demo page for test the plugin, go to: puzle.colome.org

there is a video explain install procedure and use Video

Try it! if you like, post a comment!

link to download  http://www.colome.org/slide-puzzle.zip


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Slide puzzle

Easily create your own “Slide Puzzle” with the image you want!

Tell your friend with the photo you want to spend some time solving it!

is super easy and fast !! totally free!!

upload your photo (picasa, facebook, imageshack, dropbox, etc…), share the link and copy-paste (edit copy) (right clic, copy image URL)

Just add this to the url below: /?p=(number of pieces)&img=(image URL)

in this link: http://puzle.colome.org/


for example, this link, generates a 6-piece puzzle with the image of google



this other link generates a puzzle of 10 pieces with the same image


Link Generator:

Number of pieces:

Image URL:


Works on an I-Pad IPhone, Android,….!!!


More examples:




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Slide Puzzle Plugin for Joomla 2.5

Hi guys!!

This is my first plugin for Joomla 2.5: sp_effects It’s really simple to use, only install it and enable, it uses tags to generate slide puzzle from any image that you want, as follows:


Where X are the number of pieces, the image url will be absolute or relative

I enable it on my joomla to test, For example:



Try it! if you like, post a comment!


at 18/07/2012 corrected some errors ( posts below solved at this date)

Link to download:





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