this simple script ,shows how to delete files in a directory, older than 30 days old.
In this case delete the files that begin with “Backup” for more than 30 days from the directory D:\Backup
' ################################################################ ' # cleanup-folder.vbs ' # ' # Removes all files older than 1 week ' # Authored by Jordi Colomé ' # Based on code by YellowShoe ' # Version 1.0 - Sept 23 2008 ' ################################################################ Dim fso, f, f1, fc, strComments, strScanDir ' user variables ' —————————————————————- strDir = "D:\Backup" strDays = 30 ' DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE ' (unless you know what you are doing) '—————————————————————— Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set f = fso.GetFolder(strDir) Set fc = f.Files For Each f1 in fc If DateDiff("d", f1.DateCreated, Date) >strDays and (Left(f1.Name, 6) = "Backup") Then fso.DeleteFile(f1) End If Next 'wscript.echo strComments WScript.Quit ' eof