That’s a Usefull piece of code to change all the password of the schecduled tasks
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") PASS =InputBox("PASSWORD") WshShell.Run "%comspec% /c " & chr(34) & "echo -------------------- %DATE% %TIME% -------------- " & chr(34) & " >>out.txt" ' '-------- we use 2 vars , servidor where is the name of the server and tasca that is the name of the task servidor="server" WshShell.Run "%comspec% /c " & chr(34) & "echo --------------copies v-ioofi" & chr(34) & " >>out.txt" tasca=chr(34) & "Nombre de tarea1" & chr(34) WshShell.Run "%comspec% /c " & chr(34) & "schtasks.exe /change /s " & servidor & " /RP " & PASS & " /TN " & tasca & chr(34) & " >>out.txt" ,1,true tasca=chr(34) & "Nombre de tarea2" & chr(34) WshShell.Run "%comspec% /c " & chr(34) & "schtasks.exe /change /s " & servidor & " /RP " & PASS & " /TN " & tasca & chr(34) & " >>out.txt" ,1,true