Hyper-V failed to enable replication for virtual machine ‘xxx’ : Cannot create a file when that file already exists. (0x800700B7). Virtual machine ID 27bxxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx
Replication scenario :
Consider my primary server is A and replica server is B. Replication is running A to B. There are one VM replicating from A to B. I have tried to resume replication both the VMs but replication is not resumed. So first i have removed replication from A and From B for those two VMs. Then removed VM from B and respective folder of VM (folder name on ‘VM ID’).
I am getting this error while i am enabling the replication again as it was disturbed so i need to re-enable it. But getting upper error. I have removed the replication and deleted the VM folder from replica. still it is showing as above and not enabling the replication.
The Solution:
Find in all folders on the destination server for the virtual machine ID: “27bxxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx”
I found one folder in :”Undolog Configuration” that can not delete , then I restart the “Hyper-V Virtual Machine Management Service” and can delete it.