Meteorology: Experiment Asus WL-500Gp V2
- Creating a system for sending automated weather data without the need to have your computer running
- It consists of a telephone DSL router (Comtrend) in bridge mode, an Asus router, which in turn makes firewalls, ftp server, and server for other wireless devices (mobile, portable, …)
- there is a USA hosting with unlimited space and bandwidth : Bluehost
- …
- The first thing I did was to document myself with similar systems that wanted to create and / or set ,after a hard work of research (me and google). I found many projects “open source” , to note:
- …
- una página muy útil:
- most are based on the Program Developed by Michael Pendec, is the same in which I have relied, to create my development
- Another interesting documentation:
Firmware of the router:
After trying many frimwares: openwrt,ddwrt,… I have finally decided on Oleg’s firmware, more information about the project: , is best adapted to me the router, specifically: WL500gpv2- becose my router is V2 with 16 MB ram, for a novice like me, with linux, it was quite complicated, the main steps:
- Download and install Optware to compile programs from the router itself, an alternative is to compile out by a cross-compile with a colinux for example, but is much more complex set you build modules to the router, also with 16 mb compiled ram pretty fast. if you seek on google: You will find several links on how to do
- Mount a usb memory stick as / opt and start it at the beginning:
mount /opt at start up:
[admin@asus sbin]$ pwd
[admin@asus sbin]$ cat post-mount
mount -o bind /tmp/mnt/disca_1/opt /opt
/usr/sbin/wl radio off
- Disable USB 2.0 support in the web console of the router (if enabled, does not work)
- Install the following ipkg packages:
ipkg list_installed
buildroot – 4.1.1-13 – uClibc compilation toolchain
bzip2 – 1.0.6-1 – Very high-quality data compression program
ipkg-opt – 0.99.163-10 – The Itsy Package Manager
libdb – 4.2.52-3 – Berkeley DB Libraries
libusb – 0.1.12-2 – Library for interfacing to the USB subsystem.
make – 3.82-1 – examines files and runs commands necessary for compilation
ncurses – 5.7-1 – NCurses libraries
ncursesw – 5.7-1 – NCurses libraries with wide char support
openssl – 0.9.7m-5 – Openssl provides the ssl implementation in libraries libcrypto and libssl, and is needed by many other applications and librari
py-usb – 0.4.1-1 – PyUSB is a native Python module written in C that provides USB access for it.
python24 – 2.4.6-2 – Python is an interpreted, interactive, object- oriented programming language.
readline – 6.1-2 – The GNU Readline library provides a set of functions for use by applications that allow users to edit command lines as they are
uclibc-opt – 0.9.28-13 – micro C library for embedded Linux systems
zlib – 1.2.5-1 – zlib is a library implementing the ‘deflate’ compression system
- Be sure to record the flash every time: flashfs save && flashfs commit && flashfs enable
- Modify crontab: one task that makes every minute shipping and another that clears the log every 2 hours to the minute 1
[admin@asus etc]$ pwd
admin@asus etc]$ cat crontab
# ———- ———- Default is Empty ———- ———- #
*/1 * * * * admin /opt/jordi/jww/
1 */2 * * * admin /opt/jordi/jww/
- Details of the scripts:
- (script to send the data, explained later)
[admin@asus jww]$ cat
url=”wget -O /dev/null$u2″
echo $url
[admin@asus jww]$ cat
rm /tmp/syslog.log
- (scipt that deletes the log file of submittals)
- set the red button to enable-disable wifi ez-setup in the same directory as post-boot /usr/local/sbin:
if [ $(wl radio) = “0x0000” ]; then wl radio off; exit; fi
wl radio on
if (showraw==1)
printf(“&HI=%d&”, buf5.hindoor);
printf(“HO=%d&”, buf5.houtdoor);
remain = buf5.tindoor%10;
if ((signed) remain<0) remain = remain * -1;
printf(“TI=%d.%d&”, buf5.tindoor / 10 ,remain);
remain = buf5.toutdoor%10;
if ((signed) remain<0) remain = remain * -1;
printf(“TO=%d.%d&”, buf5.toutdoor / 10 ,remain);
remain = buf5.swind%10;
printf(“W=%d.%d&”, buf5.swind / 10 , remain);
remain = buf5.swind2%10;
printf(“G=%d.%d&”, buf5.swind2 / 10 , remain);
printf(“D=%s&”, buf5.winddirection);
printf(“R=%d&”, buf5.rain );
remain = buf5.pressure%10;
printf(“B=%d”, buf5.pressure / 10 , remain);
- Como he comentado, basandome en el programa creado por Michael Pendec, añadi la siguiente opción al ejecutar el programa sin parámetros:
- This causes the generation of a string of the form: &TO=15.7&TI=15.7&HO=66&HI=45&B=1024&D=NNW&W=20&R=56 that added to get the query string, as shown in the script allows us to send data every minute.
- In the hosting, I have the page live.php which processes the request i add the record in the mysql database, I leave the code example to give you an idea:
</p> <p style="padding-left: 60px;"> .!--?php<br /> $timezone = +0;<br /> if (substr($_GET['C'], 0, 9)=='csdfr_')<br /> {<br /> $con = mysql_connect("localhost",$_GET['C'],"password");<br /> if (!$con)<br /> {<br /> die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());<br /> }<br /> $loop=gmdate("Hi", time()+ 3600*($timezone+date("I")));<br /> $hora=gmdate("H:i:s", time()+ 3600*($timezone+date("I")));<br /> mysql_select_db($_GET['C'], $con);<br /> // borro el registre anterior -<br /> $q="DELETE FROM `live` WHERE `LOOP`='".$loop."'";<br /> mysql_query($q);<br /> $raina=$_GET['R'];<br /> $pluja=0.0;<br /> <br /> // busco el valor anterior de pluja -<br /> $result = mysql_query("SELECT `RAINC` FROM `live` ORDER BY `YMDHMS` DESC LIMIT 1"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))<br /> {<br /> // - si ha plogut i vigilo el loop del contador<br /> if ($_GET['R'] >$row['RAINC'])<br /> {<br /> $pluja= ($_GET['R'] - $row['RAINC']) * 0.3;<br /> }<br /> else<br /> {<br /> $pluja=0.0;<br /> }<br /> }<br /> // insercio principal<br /> $q="INSERT INTO `live` (`TO`,`TI`,`HO`,`HI`,`BAR`,`WND`,`RAC`,`DIR`,`RAINC`,`DATE`,`TIME`,`YMDHMS`,`H10M`,`LOOP`,`RAIN`) VALUES (".<br /> $_GET['TO'].",".$_GET['TI'].",".$_GET['HO'].",".$_GET['HI'].",".$_GET['B']. ",".$_GET['W'].",".$_GET['G'].",'".$_GET['D']."',".$_GET['R'].<br /> ",'".gmdate("Y-m-d", time()+ 3600*($timezone+date("I")))."','".$hora. "','".gmdate("YmdHi", time()+ 3600*($timezone+date("I"))) ."','".substr($loop,0,3) .<br /> "','".$loop."',".$pluja.")" ;<br /> mysql_query($q);<br /> mysql_close($con);<br /> // aqui cada 10 minuts , gravo els registres<br /> if(substr($loop,2,1)=="0" )<br /> { $q="";<br /> }<br /> }<br /> //else<br /> //echo 'Error';<br /> ?></p> <p>
- The last step is to publish the data online, this is accomplished with a script “cron” which runs every 10 minutes i used to publish data on 5 sites :
- Meteoclimatic: from a template generated a meteoclimatic.html file and the configuration of the station, put the url where I created the file
- Awekas: I generate a file at the station awekas.txt i configure the url where you have to go to see
- Weather Undergroud: By sending an HTTP GET request data
- Personal Weather Stations: same as Weather underground.
- My own page